What have I been up to other than starting the zombie apocalypse? Not much actually. I was too sick to even do much knitting last week, so I haven't gotten very far.

I have finished the purple stripe socks, which are the first complete pair of toe up. I definitely prefer this technique, because it allows me to make a sock that fits my foot and get a good guess for how long my cuff is. The only thing I don't like is that the cuff is a little too snug. I used a larger needles size for my cast off, but they're still a little hard to get over my foot. I also don't like the ribbing at the top. I also think for the next pair I'll put a couple increases in at the top to accommodate my ginormous calves.
I definitely have a little work to do to tighten up my heels. I've got holes where the gusset and the heel join on both sides on both pair. I'll put a couple stitches in this pair, and add a couple extra increases in the next pair to give a tighter join.
I'm not very good at having empty needles, so after finishing the purple stripes I started in on these. It's a gorgeous pink and green variegated yarn that I saw in Borealis and fell in love with. I'm hoping to get two pair out of this yarn, because I'd like a calf high pair and a pair of footie socks.
The cocktail in the pictures is my latest go-to. It's equal parts vodka and Pama liqueur with a splash of club soda. Tasty and perfect for the warm weather .